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Tobacco Free Mass Leadership

Tobacco Free Mass reaches policy and strategy decisions through consensus. We are guided by the work of our committees.  Our Chair and Vice Chair lead our coalition and promote our coalition's positions to stakeholders and the public.

Anyone who is interested is encouraged to become involved in committees and share their perspectives and expertise!  Committee members do not need to be dues-paying members of Tobacco Free Mass, though only dues-paying members can vote.

Committees and their responsibilities:

  • Executive Committee -- the decision-making body of the Coalition for policy implementation and strategy when the full Coalition is not in session.
  • Advocacy Committee -- reviews public health policy, legislation and regulation on tobacco control measures and makes recommendations to the full Coalition on specific legislative and policy issues.
  • Membership Committee -- develops and implements strategies for membership development and recruitment approved by the Coalition. The Membership Committee is charged with developing and implementing a strategy for recruiting members from groups disproportionately affected by tobacco, including groups representing people who are Black, Latinx, and LGBTQ+. The Committee is further charged with developing and implementing a strategy for recruiting individual members.

  • Finance and Development Committee (forming soon) -- maintains the Coalition’s capacity through identifying and cultivating funding sources. This committee also advises the Executive Director on routine fiscal matters and lends its expertise to ensuring the fiscal health of the Coalition. 
  • Nominations Committee -- reviews candidates for the position of Chair and Vice Chair and nominates one candidate for each of the two positions. Individuals may notify this committee if they wish to be considered for either position. Coalition members are encouraged to suggest candidates to this committee.

  • Bylaws Committee -- reviews and proposes amendments to the bylaws of the Coalition.

Working groups are convened as needed around topics of interest.  Past working groups have included the E-cigarette Working Group and the Menthol Working Group.

If you would like more information about any of these committees, please contact Lisa Phillips.

Executive Committee Members

Ellana Stinson, MD, Chair

Henry L. Dorkin, MD, Vice Chair

Ray Considine, Massachusetts Public Health Association

Dan Fitzgerald, American Lung Association

Marc Hymovitz, American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network

Sarah McColgan, Massachusetts Health Officers Association

Kevin O'Flaherty, Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids

Allyson Perron Drag, American Heart Association

Candace Savage, Massachusetts Medical Society

Cheryl Sbarra, Massachusetts Association of Health Boards

Lisa Stevens-Goodnight, Massachusetts Municipal Association

 Upcoming Events

  • No upcoming events

Chair: Ellana Stinson, MD, MPH, MBA

Dr. Stinson is a board certified Emergency Medicine physician practicing at Boston Medical Center.

She is currently the President of the New England Medical Association. Dr. Stinson began her first term as Vice Chair of Tobacco Free Mass in January 2021.

Because she is keenly aware of the way in which legislative policies impact health, Dr. Stinson remains an active member of the Massachusetts’s Medical Society (MMS), where she currently serves on various committees and the Board of Trustees.

Dr. Stinson earned her medical degree at Meharry Medical College and is a graduate of Spelman College with a bachelor’s degree in science.  

Read more.

Vice Chair: Henry L. Dorkin, MD, FAAP

Dr. Dorkin graduated from Lehigh University’s College of Engineering in 1970. After receiving his MD from Johns Hopkins (where he stayed for a pediatric residency), he became a Pulmonary Fellow at Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH) and Harvard Medical School (HMS). He then joined the Tufts University School of Medicine/Floating Hospital for Children in Boston where he created the Division of Respiratory Diseases and rose to Professor of Pediatrics. While there, he was also Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Center Director and an ICU Attending.

He is a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics (elected Pulmonology Section Chair in 1992) and the American Thoracic Society. He has served on the American Board of Pediatrics sub-board for Pulmonology and the National Board of Medical Examiners for Pediatrics.           Read more.

Executive Director

Lisa Phillips was named Tobacco Free Mass' Executive Director in 2022. She has a professional background in Mass Communications, has previously worked as a project manager for the West-Hawai'i Tobacco Free Coalition, and most recently worked in North Carolina where she had over a dozen years of experience in various tobacco free positions.  These included work with local and state public health departments. community coalitions, and youth groups.  In addition, she has had experience and success in grant writing to obtain CDC funding for strengthening of local tobacco free coalitions and development of communication media.

Shape our perspective!

Tobacco Free Mass has a new Membership Committee to focus on adding more perspectives to our coalition.  We working to encourage people from groups that are most impacted by tobacco to join us. With their perspectives and guidance, we'll be able to advocate for better, more effective policy decisions.

If you're interested in sharing your insight and/or joining this committee, please contact us.

mailing address:

Tobacco Free Mass

PO Box 1701

Provincetown, MA 02657-5701

(617) 795-4129

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